Online Players

[ ?? Hum ] Balalaika is chasingHRZN
[ 90 Dru Ogr CL ] Bimgore tell me help for info on augments/shieldsBoTS
[ ?? Ogr ] Calimar is running: WASTESDRGN
[ 90 Thi Gob ] Corde is following RhockDRGN
[ ?? Elf ] Daenti the elf --
[ 84 War Hum ] Dancei nothing --
[ ?? Hum ] Dbivh the human --
[ ?? Trl ] Drulethan the trollBEST
[ 86 Ran Vyn ] Drythbezzel is following CalimarDRGN
[ 90 Brd Elf ] Eltrexx is running phials of moonlightHRZN
[ ?? Ent ] Euphe trying TEMPLE againHRZN
[ 90 Ran Hum ] Fung vote for TFE:
[ ?? Gob ] Gikgak.BEST
[ 24 Har Orc ] Kathaar follow mode activated.BoTS
[ ?? Vyn ] Katrian the vyanBEST
[ ?? Vyn ] Mohoonay is idle.BoTS
[ ?? Ogr CL ] Nitia is following someoneDRGN
[ 39 Rvr Dwf CL ] Paulus is running The Order of LonilHRZN
[ 82 Cle Ogr ] Rhock is following someoneDRGN
[ 27 Mon Elf ] Rial Toy Tower. Beep Boop.PiMP
[ 90 Mag Vyn CL ] Senahl poke for shieldsHRZN
[ ?? Trl CL ] Skarx is the place with the stuff - FollowingBoTS
[ ?? Hum CL ] Taldoran is running Serene SunshineBEST
[ 48 Mon Liz ] Thalos is touring Olle's TowerDRGN
[ ?? Hum CL ] Thullkor the humanDRGN
[ 86 Rvr Gob ] Uni is getting totally WastedDRGN
[ ?? Elf ] Zebb. . . . TITANS --
[ 27 players | 36 high | 57 record ]