Online Players

[ 37 Thi Gnm CL ] Amanita HRZN
[ ?? Gob ] Aohzerk Bandits --
[ 50 Dru Vyn ] Arvol is sparring with Ki O'KenHRZN
[ ?? Ogr ] Ayrevir is questingBoTS
[ 90 Dru Ogr CL ] Bimgore tell me help for info on augments/shieldsBoTS
[ ?? Vyn ] Celenia is dangerous to go alone! Take me!HRZN
[ ?? Ent ] Daenti the entHRZN
[ 27 Cle Gnm ] Darion the gnomeBEST
[ ?? Hum ] Dbivh the human --
[ ?? Hum ] Drulethan the humanBEST
[ 78 Ran Vyn ] Drythbezzel DRGN
[ ?? Hum CL ] Elly simply is CampingHRZN
[ ?? Ent ] Euphe lumbering into CYCLOPS CAVERNSHRZN
[ 35 Mon Hum ] Fingolfin BarbsHRZN
[ 90 Ran Hum ] Fung vote for TFE -
[ ?? Gob ] Gikgak. --
[ 84 Thi Gob ] Gnoggh ughBoTS
[ ?? Ogr ] Grehild is idle.BoTS
[ ?? Ogr ] Grokthar is running Sjerdil's Tower (Toys)HRZN
[ 90 Dru Trl ] Hask is thinking about his life choicesHRZN
[ ?? Vyn CL ] Katrian.BEST
[ 26 Rvr Gnm ] Mojune is visiting the Marble Kingdom.BEST
[ 37 Pal Hum ] Naobe is playing with their BARBies!!!!!!!!HRZN
[ ?? Ogr CL ] Nitia.DRGN
[ ?? Gob ] Notho the goblinBoTS
[ 90 Rvr Dwf CL ] Paulus is running Ahriman's AcademyHRZN
[ 90 Cle Ogr ] Rhock DRGN
[ 59 Dru Dwf ] Romulak is running: LONILDRGN
[ 90 Mag Vyn CL ] Senahl poke for shieldsHRZN
[ 73 Mon Liz CL ] Shazzul WASTES!BEST
[ ?? Trl CL ] Skarx is the place with the stuff -BoTS
[ ?? Vyn ] Taldoran.BEST
[ 90 Ran Hum ] Thalos followingDRGN
[ 74 Cle Ogr ] Umarraa Following in TempleBEST
[ 85 Pal Gob ] Uni is following GnogghDRGN
[ ?? Ogr ] Vargrim is running Sjerdil's Tower (Toys)HRZN
[ ?? Hum ] Vynwrath is running aroundHRZN
[ ?? Ent ] Zebb the entHRZN
[ 39 players | 46 high | 57 record ]