Help Index :: Races :: Ogres Average Statistics for Ogres Height: males about 6'6" - 7'6" females about 6'4" - 7'2" Hair: Browns, black, reds and rarely gray. It is usually coarse, bristly or patchy. Facial hair is extremely rare, almost unheard of, though ear, nose, shoulder and back hair are quite common. Eyes: Ogres tend to have dull, beady eyes ranging in colors that are mainly shades of gray. Sometimes they have hints of red or black as well. The Irises are large leaving only a thin margin of the sallow to gray surrounding it visible. Appearance: Ogres are most often quite muscular with odd protuberances, large warts and cysts most frequently, as well as having frequent patches of hair-covered warts that can confuse their bulky shape. Most ogres have poor postures and stoop horrendously. Ogre skin is usually a dusky shade of grey-brown, sandy-brown, or a ruddy red-brown but it is always somewhat rubbery. Optional Advice on Role Playing an Ogre As a general rule, ogres are big, mean and dumb. They are typically brutish and like to bash anything smaller them as much as possible. They particularly don't like little creatures, who tend to cause problems and/or steal things. The general attitude of life for an ogre is pretty simple. If you can eat it, do so. If you don't plan on eating it, bully it. If you can't bully it, then smash it. Ogres aren't known as great conversationalists, but they are the favored workhorse of the dark armies being the best at what is most often called for in any combat situation. Smash, rend and tear into itty-bitty pieces. Ogres have no real central governing force, nor do they care overly much for family units. Despite the lack of central cohesiveness, they still managed to construct a city, Denab-Knur (The ogre words for Cave you live in, further demonstrating their creative genius). True to form, city government is based on strength. The strong rule and the weak serve. Two varieties of ogre have evolved here. Gray ogres tend to be the stronger and dumber of the two. Red Ogres, so called for the ruddy hue of their rubbery skin, are somewhat smaller in stature and possess a smidge more intelligence than grey ogres, they are still about as smart as a rock by the standards of most other races. Racial Relations: As a rule ogres dislike anything small. Halflings, gnomes, dwarves and goblins are all treated with contempt and should be stomped on repeatedly. Goblins, at least, know how to tear things apart and can, on rare occasion, be useful in breaking something in a small places ogres can't reach. Trolls, though strange and frankly, pretty dumb even by ogre standards, make for useful allies. Orcs are viewed with a measure of respect, as they know how to cut and build things, though they obviously aren't as good as ogres or they wouldn't be so puny. Vyans make useful allies, as they make good diversions when hunting elves and are good at dealing with elven magic. Unfortunately they are also a nuisance as they always seem to think they are in charge. Fortunately they rarely get in the way of such truly important matters as smashing things when it comes time to do so. Elves and lizardmen are hated simply as a matter of course. They serve no purpose but they do bleed exceedingly well once you get past all their silly magic and sharp claws. Humans are an odd lot. While some are almost as good as orcs, many more are often as bad as elves and lizardmen. Though its usually just easier to smash them the same as elves, sometimes it pays off to only smash them a little. Once they know who's boss, they make pretty good allies. |