Help Index :: Misc :: high


The high score lists allow you to compare your account and characters against
other players. To be ranked characters must have been active in the game
within the last 30 days.

Power rating is defined as a character's number of remorts * 90 + current
level. An account's power rating is the sum of all character power ratings on
that account.


Account High Score Lists
high - accounts ranked by power rating
high atlas - rank by total size of atlas (number of rooms explored)
high catalog - rank by total size of catalog (number of items identified)

Character High Score Lists
high level - rank by character level
high remort - rank by number of remorts
high newbie - rank by level (excludes any char with a remort or on an account with remorts)
high power - rank by character power rating
high death - rank by number deaths
high kills - rank by total mobs killed
high quest - rank by number of quest points
high damage - rank by average damage per round

Other Lists
high mob - mobs ranked by damage dealt
high clan - clans ranked by power rating

Filtering Options
high # - display list starting with that # rank
high - show only characters in that class
high - show only characters in that race
high - show only characters in that religion
(race/class/religion can be optionally combined into a single filter)


For most lists the high command displays two columns. On the left, the top
ten characters/accounts/etc. will be listed, while the right column displays
your current position and those nearest your rank in that area.

Character incognito options apply (appearing as ??? when applicable).
Accounts do not have incognito options and all names will be displayed.

See also: account, whois