Help Index :: Races :: Halflings Average Statistics for Halflings Height: males about 3'2" - 4' females about 3'2" - 3'10" Hair: Mostly shades of brown, some blond or red, rarely black. Facial hair is rare at best. Eyes: Tending towards all natural human shades. Affiliation: Halflings are a light race. Appearance: Halflings look quite like human children until they reach maturity. They do develop wrinkles, graying hair and other human attributes, only they retain their shorter stature. Halflings most often develop a stout build, some say due to the minimum of 5 meals a day they tend to enjoy as opposed to the 3 a day most other races attend. For those with prior role playing experience; halflings are not hobbits. We aren't going to ban you for having hairy feet, but realize, it is not the norm. Optional Advice on Role Playing a Halfling Halflings are typically good natured, care-free folk who are more interested in settling down and enjoying life rather than adventuring. Since the idea of the game is to adventure, this means you are most probably playing a halfling that is not quite that normal. A normal "adventuring" halfling is one who still values the good things in life: good meals, good company, and cheerful surroundings. Halflings are so steeped in the realm of light and goodness that they tend to brighten any place they can go with a desire to bring simple goodness with them. The ideal adventure for your typical non-adventuring halfling would be settling down with friends in a nice tavern to tell tales and discuss adventures while sharing food and drink. Your average adventuring halfling, while finding the same pursuit equally exciting, tends to want to go see these places for themselves as well as talk about them. Racial Relations: Halflings, though typically shy around non-halflings, are found quite frequently among dwarven and human settlements having insinuated themselves quite merrily into both cultures. Halflings tend to view elves with some awe, seeing in them their goodness and ethereal beauty. The fact that elves treat halflings as cheerful little icons of goodness doesn't hurt either. Halflings tend to very much dislike vyans. They view the vyans as the fallen, evil forms of the elves they hold in awe. To the halflings the vyans represent a deep evil made more insidious by its nature to hide behind the same ethereal beauty that graces the elves. Gnomes are viewed as distant cousins as many of the same living environments have been shared over time and few quarrels have resulted over it. Halflings detest goblins and orcs, the former race being nothing more than a disruptive nuisance and the latter treating them no better than they tend to treat goblin slaves. Confrontations between these races tends to be short and bloody. Ogres tend to avoid halflings as the small race tends to annoy the large, slow ogres. Halflings tend to avoid trolls, as they look like a nice feast to most trolls. Lizardfolk are viewed with as a curiosity, halflings having rare contact with them and no basis for understanding the culture at all. |