Help Index :: Misc :: Policies

Player Names
Players should choose a name that fits their character and the medieval time
period. Immortals are encouraged to be lenient in enforcing this, but
characters with blatantly unacceptable names will be asked to change them.
Examples of unacceptable names are Television, GoBlue and IamGreat.

Immortal Help
Immortals may choose to help some new players for the first few levels,
however do not expect handouts.

Abusing Bugs
If you find a bug please report it. Abusing a bugs can ruin the game for
everyone and therefore players will be punished for such abuse. If it is too
good to be true, it probably is, and you'd better report it.

Reimbursements may be given in some cases for losses due to major
bugs. The normal reimbursement is the equipment you had as of the last backup
of the player files. Deaths or losses due to lag are not eligible for
reimbursements. Items lost in a crash are not eligible for reimbursement
unless they were lost on a corpse.

Multi Playing
Each person playing may have only one character on at a time, and playing
multiple characters "for a friend" is not allowed. Multiplayers may
reasonably expect themselves to be purged.

We ask that players keep public channels at a "PG-13" Rating. While you may
not find the language offensive, others who play might. If you feel compelled
to use more adult language, please use

Voiding / Quitting to Expedite Repop
Quitting or "Voiding" to expedite your repop in zones is illegal. Don't do it.