Help Index :: Misc :: Multiplaying

Multiplaying policies of TFE:

* Multiplaying is defined as having more than one character, both controlled
by the same real-life person, logged onto the MUD simultaneously You may
create as many characters on your account(s) as you like, but you may not
multiplay them. Additionally, you cannot "give away" characters to other
players. If you want to retire a character, do so by not logging them. If
you want to help your friends, help them level their own characters.

* Multiplaying is not allowed. It gives too much of an advantage over
those who cannot do it. It also promotes soloing and works against the social
structure of the MUD.

* Players may not log in and out frequently in order to speed up area resets.
This also includes constant voiding in areas.

* Each account may have only one character on at a time, and playing multiple
characters via multiple accounts is also not permitted.

Multiplayers may reasonably expect themselves to be purged.