Help Index :: Communication :: Auction


auction : lists items for sale
auction : places an item on the auction block
auction undo [slot] : removes an item placed on the auction block
auction -b : shows only items you have bid on
auction -s : shows only items you are selling


Auction places an item on the
auction block. Items will remain on the auction
block for several days until a player bids. When items receive their first
bid the timer is reduced to minutes.

Players may bid on an item using the bid command. Bidders must have
sufficient funds in their bank accounts. When the timer expires whoever
placed the highest bid receives the item. If the buyer's inventory is full,
the item is dropped nearby, so be sure that you have available inventory space
before bidding!

If noone has bid on the item it is returned to the seller. If either seller
or buyer has quit the game the transaction still occurs with the player file
being modified as appropriate. Gold is only transfered between bank accounts
so if an item is sold the seller's bank account will be credited with the bid
price (minus the daemon'e fee of 5%) and the buyer's debited.

The auction undo command removes an item from the block assuming it is issued
shortly after the item is auctioned.

You may set how much information you receive over the info channel about
auction with iflag auction. Level 1 means you only receive a message when an
item is placed on the block. Level 2 adds messages for the selling of items.
Level 3 is all messages including bids on items.

See 'help repair' for an explanation of the abbreviations that appear under
the Condition column.

See also: bid, iflag, atalk