Spells :: Squall

Energy Cost:70-L
Turns to Cast:1
Turns to Prep:2


Squall is the first in the 'storm' series of spells for druids (see help
storm_spells for important information). Casting squall allows a druid to
create a weather event with dangerous winds and possible lightning for up to
five combat rounds. Existing winds will bolster the power of the small storm,
somewhat. While this spell can be cast almost anywhere (not underwater) its
effects are greatly reduced when not in the open air. This little storm can
affect everyone in a room who is not grouped with the druid (or a pet of
someone grouped with the druid), so the caster must be very cautious when
choosing where to use this spell. A careless casting of squall has been known
to drive even the most gracious city guards into a frenzy.

Reagent: a cottonwood rod of presage